
"Don't focus on how far you have to go, always remember how far you've come."

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Moon

Have you ever wondered if places like China are really even there?? Of course you know for sure if you've been there but seriously, if you've never actually been to China, how do you know for sure that it even exist. What if all the maps and pictures are just a bunch of lies?? For me, the only places that I know for sure exist are Utah and Colorado.
After thinking about this it takes my mind even further, what if I have been manipulated my whole life and there are hidden cameras and all of my friends and family are just actors like on the Truman show? Pretty scary to think about! Sometimes I really actually think that that is what's going on. 
Am I really actually going to die? 
Is death even real?
Is the earth really a spere? I know the moon exist.. and the sun.

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